Parents for Children Best Interests

Welcome to Parents for Children’s Best Interests

Parents asserting rights of us and our children.

Welcome to Parents for Children’s Best Interests. We are a community dedicated to supporting and empowering families. As advocates for both parents’ and children’s rights, we welcome extended family members who wish to protect children. If you are involved in a family conflict, whether in or out of court, we encourage you to join us. If you are looking to preserve your family and assets, please join our community. We advise you to avoid courts and find other ways to resolve the conflict. But if you are in the court, we can guide you on how to best assert your rights.

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Education for All

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Parental And Children's Rights

 Parental And Children’s Rights in the United States are violated on the Alarming Scale by Family Courts Nationwide. Our goal is to Advocate, Empower, and educate caregivers, not just parents, to assert their and Children’s Rights to Family Association and close and meaningful relationships. To find Out More About Basic Rights

Our Sponsors

Our Mission

Our mission is to advocate for children’s safety while maintaining meaningful access to both parents and their extended families. We provide a wide range of holistic services, support, and advocacy to parents, families, and children involved in a custody dispute.

Our Programs

We work to ensure the interests of the child in family conflicts, are the top priority. We do it by empowering, educating, mentally supporting ,and  sharing practical resources, forms, providing legal consultant services, and we looking to expand to provide legal representation for the children and their caregivers.

Education about the reality of Family Court System and providing alternatives to resolve the family conflict.

Our Founders' Background

Parents whose rights were violated in a NY Family court, and whose children were subjected to long stretches without visitation, rights and being able to hug our children, we have realized there is a need for services to the community and to families in a situation such as ours.

We walked the path of escaping domestic violence and trying to protect our children with the current dysfunctional Family Court system 

We hope to prevent the pain that our children and us have endured 


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Our Volunteers​

We Respect and Value Our Volunteers. We Build Each Other Up with Education, Support, and Appreciation. We appreciate and welcome People with a Variety Of skill sets or those who would like to improve their Skills. At this time Psychology, Law, Business, and Marketing, Sociology Students are Especially Welcome. Parents ready and able to Coach Other Parents, Teenagers willing to spread our message please fill out our Volunteer Form.
Alan Newman

Alan Newman


Roseline Mercy

Roseline Mercy


Martin Jose

Martin Jose


Flora Jazz

Flora Jazz


Our shop-coming in the future

Twenty-five percent of each purchase goes directly to support our non-profit cause. Our products are high-quality and attractive, and help us spread our message
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The powerless in a world of criminals
who operate above the law



The powerless in a world of criminals
who operate above the law



The powerless in a world of criminals
who operate above the law

Alarming Statistics

Things We Help With

Family conflict, toxic relationships, toxic partner, domestic violence, domestic violence by proxy, filing Motions in the court, child abuse, parent abuse, deprivation of the due process of law, deprivation of civil rights, human rights, constitutional rights, mental health crisis, child kidnapping,  legal kidnapping, narcistists,  sociopaths, psychopaths, pathological  liars, corrupted judges, corrupted police, order of protection, family offense petition, false accusations, allegations, defamation, slander rules of evidence, constitutional rights, civil rights, rights of parents, rights of children, Human Trafficking, Children Trafficking via Family Courts, Child Abuse, Child Sexual Abuse, Child Exploitation, Attorney for the Child, Administration of Children Services,  Children Family Services violating our rights, Protecting your Child from abuse, Pro Se Representation, Court Watching, Unity, Collaboration, Community, Judicial Abuse of Discretion, Attorney Malpractice, Commission of Judicial Misconduct, Human Rights Complaints, Civil Rights Complaint, Attorny Ethics Complaint, Court Conempt, Coercive Control, Abuse by Proxy, Parental Alienation, Supervised Visitations, Appeals, Judicial  Complaints, Class action law Suit against NY State

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